[Health Knowledge] When green beans are cooked with a certain ingredient, the dampness they contain gradually dissipates, leading to obvious fat accumulation in the abdomen! Can green beans help with weight loss? Drinking it wrong can harm the body!

As the temperature continues to rise, when it comes to summer drinks, mung bean soup is undoubtedly a popular choice for cooling down among the Chinese.

In the scorching summer, enjoying a bowl of mung bean soup can not only cool down and quench thirst but also replenish minerals lost through sweat, making it especially suitable to drink after sweating.

Although mung beans have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, your precious bean is being abandoned.

Mung beans are a precious plant rich in nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carotene, niacin, folic acid, and minerals.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is considered a food and medicine in one, with various effects such as clearing heat and detoxifying, relieving summer heat and generating body fluids, and diuresis and reducing swelling.

The reason why mung beans become the choice for cooling down is not because of the beans themselves but the cooling and comforting effect brought by the mung bean skin it is paired with!

In many cases, even if you pick mung bean sprouts at home and peel off their skin, what you discard is truly a precious item with the effect of clearing heat and relieving summer heat!

According to Director Jiang, the so-called mung bean skin in traditional Chinese medicine is actually a carefully formulated Chinese herbal medicine.

The skin of mung beans, known as mung bean skin, is used to treat heatstroke. It has a sweet and cold nature. It functions to clear heat and toxins and improves vision. It has excellent effects in clearing heat and relieving summer heat, surpassing mung beans themselves.

On the previous internet, there was a heated debate.

When choosing mung bean soup, should you prioritize the red soup or the green soup? This is a thought-provoking question.

Is it suitable to cook mung bean soup to promote flowering?

Dr. Shen Chen reminds that if the cooking time is too long, the heat-clearing and detoxifying effects of the bean skin will gradually weaken.

The heat-clearing and purging fire effect of the red soup far surpasses that of the green soup.

For those who are easily getting inflamed, drinking the green soup is undoubtedly a good choice.

For those with a weak spleen and stomach, if you want to enjoy mung bean soup, it is recommended to cook it a little longer. Drinking the red soup made from blooming mung beans is more suitable.

Making a bowl of mung bean soup:

As the cooking time prolongs, the heat-clearing and detoxifying effect of mung beans gradually weakens. Therefore, if you want to achieve the purpose of clearing heat and relieving summer heat, it is recommended to consume it when the mung beans are half bloomed but not to exceed half an hour of cooking time.

Cook mung beans with other ingredients to promote spleen and stomach health and eliminate dampness.

Job's Tears and Mung Bean Soup:

In daily diet, the dosage should be adjusted according to individual symptoms and manifestations.

If the symptoms are significant, such as dry mouth, severe thirst, the ratio of mung beans to Job's Tears should be 2:1.

If the symptoms are significant, such as increased frequency of urination, and soreness in the waist and legs, the ratio of mung beans to Job's Tears should be 1:2 to relieve symptoms.

Do not consume excessive amounts of mung beans and Job's Tears as they contain a certain amount of starch, which may cause blood sugar fluctuations and should be consumed with caution.

Mung Beans with Poria Cocos and Winter Melon:

The skin of winter melon has the effect of clearing heat and promoting diuresis, especially for the skin of winter melon, which has a more significant diuretic effect.

Poria cocos promotes water penetration, enhances spleen and stomach function, and soothes the mind. It is suitable for people with a heavy body dampness and edema.

Mung beans and Poria cocos complement each other, exerting the combined effect of clearing heat and dispelling dampness, making the combination of winter melon and Poria cocos even more exquisite.

Winter Melon Mung Bean Soup:

Ingredients: 100g mung beans, 100g winter melon, 20g Poria cocos, 5g honey, a small amount of water.

Steps: Soak the mung beans for half an hour, then heat them on the fire, add diced winter melon and Poria cocos, and cook until the winter melon becomes transparent. Finally, add honey to taste.

Mung Beans Mixed with Tangerine Peel:

Adding an appropriate amount of tangerine peel when cooking mung bean soup can effectively enhance the dehumidifying effect of mung beans and promote the health of the spleen.

Due to the warm nature of the white pith of tangerine peel, the heat-clearing and detoxifying effects of mung beans may be weakened, so it must be scraped off before use.

Tangerine Peel Mung Bean Soup:


1. Soak the mung beans and tangerine peel in water for 30 minutes. After fully soaking, remove the white pith of the tangerine peel and cut it into thin shreds.

2. Put the mung beans in a pot, bring to a boil, and add the tangerine peel. Simmer on medium-low heat for about 30 minutes until the broth turns into a fresh green color.

3. Before removing from the heat, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar and orange zest to the pot, stir well, and enjoy.

At 107 years old, he stays healthy without hypertension or diabetes, thanks to a bowl of two yuan.

Dr. Liu Junqian devoted his life to medicine, retired in his 90s, and started exercising at the gym every day at the age of 107, with no hypertension or diabetes.

Every morning, Dr. Liu enjoys a bowl of "Five-Color Porridge" made from five types of beans (including mung beans). This porridge is made by himself and costs only 2 yuan!

Colorful Congee:

Ingredients: 25g soybeans, 25g mung beans, 25g red beans, 25g black beans, 25g white kidney beans, 50g purple rice, 100g rice.

Steps: First, thoroughly wash the various beans and soak them in water overnight; soak the purple rice and rice in warm water for ten minutes.

2. Put all the ingredients in a pot, add an appropriate amount of cold water, and simmer over medium heat for about half an hour to an hour. If using an electric rice cooker at home, you can choose the congee cooking mode.

Consuming mung beans may have adverse effects on the body.

Do not consume mung beans together with Qi-tonifying traditional Chinese medicine.

The cold nature of mung beans may reduce their Qi-tonifying effect, as experts have warned. If you are taking warm-tonifying medicines such as ginseng and astragalus, please refrain from drinking mung bean soup.

This group of people has moderate consumption of mung bean soup.

1. For those who have a cold constitution and are prone to cold limbs, diarrhea, lumbago, and cold legs, drinking mung bean soup again may further aggravate their discomfort.

2. Women are more fragile during their menstrual period, so drinking mung bean soup may cause harm to the spleen and stomach and lead to symptoms such as diarrhea.

Mung beans have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying.

Pair them with coix seed, Poria cocos, and tangerine peel.

By promoting spleen function, dispelling dampness, clearing heat, and detoxifying, their effects are multiplied.

In your residence, you can also enjoy the pleasure of food and delicacies.

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Do not drink tea soup by mistake to keep healthy! If you don't follow the correct drinking patterns, there can be serious consequences!

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