[Health Knowledge] Soaking Feet in Hot Water Is Better Than Taking Supplements, but Do You Use the Right Method? Quickly Collect for Yourself and Your Family!

From a health perspective, the feet are the farthest from the heart and bear the heaviest burden in the body. This is the part of the body that receives the least care and is also the easiest to age. To prevent aging and protect the body's second heart, soaking feet in hot water is a good method.
When soaking feet in hot water, it can stimulate these reflex zones, promote blood circulation, regulate the endocrine system, and achieve the health effects of dispelling cold, promoting blood circulation, and preventing and treating diseases.
No wonder people often say "the rich take supplements, while the poor soak their feet". Indeed, soaking feet and taking supplements have similar effects. Today, I will recommend some traditional Chinese foot soaking methods for you to collect for yourself and your family!

1. Ginger Foot Soak: Dispelling Cold and Keeping Warm
If your feet are cold, flatten a piece of ginger (about the size of a jujube) with a knife and put it in the water along with saffron wrapped in gauze. Then add a spoonful of salt to soak your feet.
Ginger can dispel coldness. The main cause of cold hands and feet is insufficient blood supply to the body's extremities. Ginger foot soak can effectively improve blood circulation and alleviate the symptoms of cold hands and feet.

2. Saffron Foot Soak: Promoting Blood Circulation and Resolving Stagnation
Buy a small amount of saffron from a pharmacy and divide it into 10 portions. Take one portion wrapped in gauze and put it in boiling water. Then add a spoonful of salt. First, fumigate your feet and then soak them to promote blood circulation and resolve stagnation, treating waist pain. (The water for foot soaking must cover the ankle bone.)

3. Mugwort Leaf Foot Soak: Respiratory System Problems
Buy a small amount of mugwort leaves from a pharmacy and divide it into five portions. Take one-fifth of the mugwort leaves wrapped in gauze and put them in a pot of water. Fumigate your feet first, then soak them. When the water temperature is between 40 and 50 degrees Celsius, put your feet in the water for a foot soak. Saffron and mugwort leaf foot soak can treat cold feet, waist pain, and dispel wind and cold.

4. Sichuan Peppercorn Water Foot Soak: Promoting Blood Circulation, Nourishing Kidneys, and Lowering Blood Pressure
Take a handful of Sichuan peppercorns and wrap them in gauze. Put them in a pot of water and boil them. Fumigate your feet first, and when the water temperature is suitable for soaking, start soaking your feet.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Sichuan peppercorns can warm the middle, relieve pain, dispel dampness, and dispel coldness. Soaking feet with Sichuan peppercorn water has similar effects to soaking feet with danggui (Chinese angelica) and saffron, as they can all promote blood circulation and make the whole body's blood vessels unobstructed and warm.
In addition, Sichuan peppercorns are also a natural disinfectant, so soaking feet with Sichuan peppercorn water can also help treat foot odor. Massaging the feet can promote blood flow from top to bottom, making blood pressure easier to stabilize.

5. Baking Soda and Salt Foot Soak: Stabilizing Blood Pressure
First, add a spoonful of salt to boiling water, then add baking soda. If blood pressure is low, add less baking soda; if it is high, add more. For severe hypertension, add mustard flour. (Mustard flour and baking soda mainly lower blood pressure.)

6. Vinegar Foot Soak: Treating Cracked Heels
Add one to two spoons of vinegar to the foot soaking water to treat cracked heels and soften heel spurs.

7. Dried Ginger and Mulberry Twig Foot Soak: Treating Rheumatic Diseases
For those with rheumatic diseases, sensitivity to cold, fear of cold, and spleen and stomach deficiency, it is suitable to use Chinese herbal medicines with warming and invigorating properties, such as dried ginger and mulberry twig.

8. Hawthorn and Danggui Formula
This formula nourishes the blood, regulates the liver, dispels stagnation, and resolves stasis.
Take 16g each of hawthorn and danggui, and 15g each of white moss and white tribulus. Cook the herbs in an appropriate amount of water for 30 minutes, remove the residue, and take a cup of the decoction as tea. Pour the remaining liquid into a basin with 2000ml of hot water. When the temperature is suitable, soak your feet for 40 minutes. This is done once a day for 10 days as a course of treatment. It is suitable for treating facial chloasma.

9. Qi Deficiency Foot Soak Formula
15g Codonopsis pilosula, 20g Astragalus membranaceus, 15g White Atractylodes. Cook the herbs in water and pour it into a foot bath tub to soak your feet for 30 minutes once a day.

10. Blood Deficiency Foot Soak Formula
20g danggui, 15g Paeonia lactiflora, 15g saffron, 15g Ligusticum chuanxiong. Cook the herbs in water and pour it into a foot bath tub to soak your feet for 30 minutes once a day.

11. Insomnia Formula
40g Schisandra chinensis, a suitable amount of rice vinegar (white vinegar).
Method: Boil Schisandra chinensis, add warm water, and then add rice vinegar. Soak your feet in a steam foot bath for 30 minutes once a day.

12. Cold or Headache Formula
Add about 50g of salt and 50-70g of fresh ginger to hot water. When soaking your feet, first let your feet be exposed to the hot steam. When the water temperature drops, soak your feet and rub them against each other. If the water cools down, you can add hot water 2-3 more times. You can soak until you sweat slightly. When the water is still warm, dry your feet thoroughly and cover yourself with a blanket to have a good sleep.

13. Cough Formula
10g Cannabis sativa, 40 peppercorns, 30g old ginger, 30g alum.

14. Headache Formula
10g Aconitum carmichaelii, 20g Ligusticum chuanxiong, 20g Angelica dahurica, 10g Asarum sieboldii, 5 green onions.

15. Weight Loss Formula
200g winter melon peel, 100g Poria cocos, 100g papaya. After boiling and removing the residue, mix it into a foot bath tub and soak your feet for 30-40 minutes each time, until you slightly sweat. Once a day for 20-30 days as a course of treatment.

16. Dysmenorrhea Formula
400g fennel.
Method: Cook the fennel in water, remove the residue, and mix it with warm water. Soak your feet in a steam foot bath for 30 minutes once a day.

17. Foot Odor and Tinea Pedis Formula
Medication: 30ml white vinegar, 100ml other vinegar.
Method: Add vinegar to water and soak your feet for 30 minutes each time until you sweat. Once a day for 15 days as a course of treatment.



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