[Health Science] These signs indicate physical aging! Do these things every day to quietly fight aging.

The human body, like a machine, will "wear out" over time, and aging is inevitable. So, what are the signs of aging in the body? In daily life, how can we fight against aging?

Signs of aging in the body include:

- Hair loss all over the body: Not just hair loss and graying hair, but also signs of hair loss in limbs and other parts of the body.

- Frequent bruises: This is caused by chronic damage to the supporting structures around small blood vessels, and even minor injuries can cause them to rupture.

- Facial hollowing: Loss of facial bone structure can result in a typical "elderly" appearance, with sunken cheeks, thin lips, and prominent temples.

- More wrinkles than peers: Although genetics have some influence, the number of wrinkles is largely determined by lifestyle.

- Dry skin: Aging reduces the skin's ability to retain moisture, so even if moisturizer is applied, the skin becomes dry again after a while.

- Unwillingness to go out with friends: People whose physical health declines are more likely to have a bad mood or even develop depression, and are not as actively involved in social activities as before.

- Decreased grip strength: Decreased grip strength is associated with increased risk of losing self-care ability and premature death.

- Accumulation of abdominal fat: Accumulation of abdominal fat is a common sign of aging, and there may also be a decrease in thigh muscle mass and a decrease in height.

- Insomnia: Insomnia or poor sleep quality is a sign of rapid aging, usually caused by high levels of cortisol.

- Slower walking pace: Walking speed is an indicator of leg muscle strength. If climbing stairs feels increasingly difficult, it indicates the loss of muscles and bones.

- Irregular menstruation: Irregular menstrual cycles in women are early signs of aging. Imbalances in estrogen can lead to weight gain, decreased muscle mass, sleep disorders, and faster aging of the body.

A complete plan to delay aging:

- Practice "brain exercises" regularly: After the age of 60, people often feel a decline in memory, reaction speed, and analytical and executive abilities. But the human brain is plastic, and actively exercising it and providing it with rich stimuli can effectively slow down cognitive aging. In daily life, we can practice remembering the phone numbers of relatives and friends, memorize bus stop names, read books and newspapers, and learn new skills, which helps to maintain or improve cognitive abilities.

- Protect sensory organs: As people age, their sensory functions gradually decline, manifesting as vision loss, reduced field of view, and hearing loss. To delay the decline in sensory abilities, it is important to protect the sensory organs and reduce the frequency of high-load use, which will reduce "wear and tear" accordingly.

- Strengthen muscles from shoulders to feet: Due to muscle loss, decreased muscle strength, and atrophy and stiffness of tendons and ligaments, elderly people move slowly, and even if their mental and visual acuity remains good, it is difficult for them to be "quick-handed." The best way to prevent muscle loss is to engage in strength training. The exercise intensity should be moderate, as too little intensity will not achieve the desired exercise effect, and too much intensity may cause physical injuries. If you feel any discomfort during exercise, you should immediately stop and seek medical attention.

- Walking and swimming for cardiovascular health: Maintaining and improving cardiovascular function is an important condition for delaying aging and maintaining health, and physical exercise, especially aerobic exercise, has a good effect on improving cardiovascular function.



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