[Healthy Living] 5 "Natural Remedies" Around You: Tonify the Spleen and Kidneys, Nourish the Liver and Moisturize the Lungs, Safe and Effective

When people get sick, they often take medicine for treatment. However, you may not know that there are 5 pure natural remedies in everyday life that can treat common illnesses safely and effectively!

1. Plums: Clear Heat and Nourish the Liver

Plums are brightly colored, with a sweet and sour taste and abundant juice. They are rich in organic acids, sugars, minerals, and vitamins. Plums have a warming nature and can promote diuresis, clear heat, and generate fluids. They are effective in treating symptoms such as irritability, dry mouth, fever due to yin deficiency, liver cirrhosis, and ascites. Plums also have diuretic, sleep-inducing, blood vessel-dilating, and blood pressure-reducing effects.

2. Pears: Reduce Fire and Clear the Heart

Pears have a cooling nature and a sweet taste. They can reduce internal heat and clear the heart, eliminate carbuncles, detoxify, transform phlegm, and moisturize the lungs. Raw pears can eliminate the heat toxins in the six organs, while ripe pears can nourish the yin of the five viscera. Raw pears are suitable for symptoms of excess fire, while ripe pears are suitable for symptoms of deficiency fire. Pears can lower blood pressure, relieve cough and transform phlegm, calm the mind, clear heat, and inhibit the formation of carcinogens. However, as pears have a cooling nature, they should not be eaten in excess to avoid damage to the spleen and stomach.

3. Red Dates: Tonify the Spleen and Deficiency

Red dates are rich in nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, trace elements, and various vitamins. They rank among the top three in terms of vitamin C content among fruits and vegetables. Red dates can relieve fatigue, tonify qi, nourish blood, and promote blood circulation. They are effective in preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases. Red dates have a warming nature and can tonify qi, nourish the stomach, and invigorate the spleen. They are suitable for people with poor spleen and stomach function, fatigue, qi and blood deficiency, and insomnia.

4. Persimmons: Resolve Phlegm and Nourish the Lungs

Persimmons have a cold nature and a sweet and astringent taste. They can quench thirst, resolve phlegm, nourish the lungs, stimulate the appetite, and invigorate the spleen. They are suitable for people with oral ulcers, cough, hemoptysis, and goiter. However, unripe persimmons should not be eaten, and excessive consumption of persimmons should be avoided, as it can cause "gastric persimmon stone disease" and even endanger life.

5. Walnuts: Anti-aging and Nourish the Kidneys

Walnuts are rich in nutrients, including proteins, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and abundant vitamins. Regular consumption of walnuts can effectively prevent and treat arteriosclerosis and significantly improve brain function. Walnuts have a warming nature and can nourish yang, tonify the kidneys, relieve cough, moisturize the lungs, nourish blood, tonify qi, and strengthen the body. They are suitable for people with kidney deficiency, dizziness, insomnia, frequent dreaming, nocturnal emission, and impotence. Walnuts have powerful cognitive and brain-nourishing effects and are suitable for the elderly. However, as walnuts are high in fat, they should not be consumed in excess for those with diarrhea.



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