
目前显示的是 九月, 2023的博文

【Health and Wellness】Pumpkin and This Ingredient Are Unbeatable: Nourishing Lungs, Strengthening Stomach, and Tonifying Kidneys!

The unbearable heat of the three dog days is finally coming to an end. Summer is approaching its end, and the footsteps of autumn are slowly drawing near. It is often said that "autumn melons harm the stomach," as melons are generally cooling in nature, and it is not recommended to eat them excessively during this season. However, there is one exception: pumpkin. According to traditional Chinese medicine, pumpkin has a warm nature and a sweet taste. It enters the spleen and stomach meridians and has the effects of nourishing the lungs, benefiting qi, treating coughs and asthma, promoting bowel movements, and facilitating urination. It is a great health food that shouldn't be missed at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Moreover, pumpkin is also a "master" in nourishing the stomach. It can protect the gastric mucosa and has a certain preventive effect against ulcers. Pumpkin is a great ingredient on its own, but when paired with another "excellen

【Healthy Living】When Blood Vessels Get Blocked, Diseases Come One After Another! These Foods Are the "Cleaners" of Blood Vessels That Must Be Eaten Often.

When blood vessels in the brain are blocked: Stroke. When blood vessels in the heart are blocked: Heart attack. When blood vessels in the kidneys are blocked: Uremia. When blood vessels in the legs are blocked: Amputation. When blood vessels in the eyes are blocked: Blindness... Once blood vessels have problems, diseases follow. According to traditional Chinese medicine, "impure blood leads to various diseases, while purified blood resolves diseases." The human body is like a big tree, and blood vessels are like roots. Only with clean blood vessels can nutrients be continuously transported throughout the body. When blood vessels are not in good condition, problems can occur from head to toe: 1. Stroke: When atherosclerotic plaques deposit and calcify in the arteries, blood vessels become prone to rupture and blockage, resulting in an increased risk of stroke and heart attack. 2. Death of brain cells: If a blood clot blocks a cerebral blood vessel, brain cells can die. This ca

The Way of Health Preservation in Autumn lies in eating this food, which can promote spleen and stomach health, replenish vital energy, stabilize blood sugar levels, and enhance physical fitness, all with minimal expense!

In autumn health preservation, starchy foods are an essential part. They have the benefits of clearing heat and cooling blood, as well as aiding digestion. On one hand, they have the effect of nourishing vital energy and enhancing physical fitness. Therefore, many people love to eat starchy foods. However, some people may affect their health due to a lack of understanding of the nutritional value of these foods. On the other hand, using them as staple foods not only helps prevent obesity but also maintains overall health. Today, I will share with you the suitable varieties of starchy foods to consume in autumn. When it comes to starchy foods, many people first think of purple sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes. However, there are even better options waiting for us to explore: 1. Chinese Yam, known as the "ambassador of stomach health" Chinese Yam, as a precious ingredient with medicinal and dietary value, has always been regarded as a supreme "delicacy" by medical ex

During the daily process of cleaning chopsticks, three mistakes have been made, which have led to health problems! How many bacteria are on chopsticks? Every household has them! Did you know that? Do not underestimate this issue, as its importance cannot be ignored!

When using chopsticks, if three mistakes are made, it may lead to the problem of causing "class 1 carcinogens"! Aflatoxin, a substance classified as a "class 1 carcinogen," has carcinogenic effects. Aflatoxin is recognized as a class 1 carcinogen, with toxicity 68 times that of arsenic. It only takes a dose of 1 milligram to cause various cancers, including liver cancer and bone cancer. In addition, aflatoxin has high heat resistance and needs to reach temperatures above 280°C to be effectively eliminated. Boiling water alone cannot achieve its sterilization effect. Although chopsticks themselves do not generate aflatoxin, due to their frequent contact with starchy foods, if they are not thoroughly cleaned or properly stored, the starch substances they contain are easily affected by mold and lead to the production of aflatoxin. Therefore, it is crucial to keep chopsticks clean and hygienic, and avoid making the following three mistakes. 1. Rubbing them clean in bund

[Health Knowledge] Breakfast is Medicine; What Foods are Most Effective? Hypertension, Myocardial Infarction, and Arteriosclerosis Disappear! And Longevity!

Myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction are two well-known diseases that pose a serious threat to our health. The former is caused by the heart beating too fast, while the latter is caused by excessive brain activity. However, the occurrence of these two diseases is actually closely related to the neglect of breakfast by modern people, which is well known. If breakfast is not consumed, the stomach will lack sufficient nutrients, leading to the excessive production of type B thromboglobulin in the blood. In addition, if the fasting time is prolonged, the body will produce excessive uric acid and other substances, which can easily cause blood vessel blockage and acute myocardial infarction. This type of protein has the ability to induce blood coagulation, increasing the risk of myocardial infarction. In addition, individuals who do not eat breakfast have significantly higher platelet viscosity and aggregation compared to those who do eat breakfast. During blood coagulation, the pre

Do not drink tea soup by mistake to keep healthy! If you don't follow the correct drinking patterns, there can be serious consequences!

  Tea is a traditional drink for Chinese people. Lu Yu, a master of tea ceremony, is loved and respected by the people for his exquisite skills and profound cultural background. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, tea is not just a thirst-quenching beverage, but a precious medicine with powerful health benefits. There is a lot of information about tea in ancient Chinese medical books. In the Tang Dynasty's "Compendium of Materia Medica", tea was praised as a universal remedy that can cure various diseases." Modern medical research has shown that tea has multiple benefits, including anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-aging, lowering blood pressure, promoting weight loss, inhibiting bacterial growth, and enhancing immune function. Tea is highly regarded for its ability to prevent cancer. However, many people neglect or unintentionally make mistakes while brewing or drinking tea, which may cause tea to lose its anti-cancer effects and even increase the risk o