[Eating Healthy] Eating Peanuts like This Protects the Liver, Nourishes the Stomach, and Moistens the Lungs. Eating a Little Every Day Provides an Extra Insurance for Your Health!

Our ancestors believed that every part of the "longevity nut" is precious: the fruit, shell, sprout, and skin can all be eaten, and each has its own benefits, such as protecting the heart, nourishing the blood, and reducing cholesterol...

This "longevity nut" is peanuts! It is also known as the "plant meat" and the "vegetarian meat" because of its delicious taste and undeniable medicinal and health value, it has always held an important position in the realm of food.

Protect the heart, clear the blood vessels, stabilize blood sugar
Modern research has found that people who eat peanuts regularly have a 35% reduced risk of coronary heart disease. This is because regular consumption can lower the levels of "bad cholesterol" low-density lipoprotein, prevent coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis, and make the heart healthier.

Research has also found that replacing a serving of red meat in the diet with peanuts can reduce the risk of diabetes by 21%.

Peanuts are also rich in calcium, so whether you are a child, pregnant woman, or elderly, eating a certain amount of peanuts every day can help strengthen your bones.

1. Stabilize Blood Sugar: Have a handful in the morning
Having a handful of peanuts in the morning helps stabilize blood sugar throughout the day because peanuts slow down the absorption of carbohydrates.

2. Clear Blood Vessels, Protect the Heart: Use peanut oil for stir-frying
Replace cooking oil with peanut oil for stir-frying, or eat a dozen peanuts with each meal to ensure an intake of unsaturated fatty acids.

The unsaturated fatty acids in peanuts can break down cholesterol in the liver into bile acids, promote excretion, and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, preventing atherosclerosis.

3. Relieve Acid Reflux: Chew on peanuts
Method: When experiencing acid reflux, eating 5 to 10 raw peanuts can effectively alleviate the symptoms of stomach acid.

4 Health-Promoting Eating Methods: Protect the Liver, Nourish the Stomach, Moisturize the Lungs...

1. Raw Peanuts - Nourish the Stomach
Raw peanuts retain their nutrients in their most complete form as they have not undergone processing. Raw peanuts have a unique sweet taste, especially when chewed together with steamed buns, creating an unexpected flavor. You can try it for yourself.

Eating raw peanuts can invigorate the spleen and stomach, improve appetite, and enhance digestion and absorption, which is beneficial for our digestive system.

Raw peanuts are more prone to contamination during storage, especially in humid environments. They are highly susceptible to aflatoxin contamination, and the risk of contamination increases if they sprout.
Therefore, when storing peanuts, it is important to keep them in a dry and well-ventilated place. If any unusual odor is detected when consuming them, they should be immediately spit out and the mouth rinsed.

2. Boiled Peanuts - Moisturize the Lungs
Although boiling peanuts is a simple method, the taste is not inferior at all, and most of the nutrients are also retained.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, boiled peanuts have the function of resolving phlegm and relieving dry cough.

Some people add a lot of seasonings, especially salt, to make the boiled peanuts more flavorful. This can make the boiled peanuts less healthy.

3. Roasted Peanuts - Protect the Liver
Eating roasted peanuts can protect and nourish the liver. Spring is the golden period for liver health, so why not eat some roasted peanuts to nourish your liver?

4. Vinegar-Soaked Peanuts - Protect Blood Vessels
Vinegar-soaked peanuts can stimulate appetite, promote digestion, and have antibacterial effects. They also help protect blood vessel walls, reduce cholesterol accumulation, and prevent blood clots.

Peanuts + "It" is Better Than Countless Supplements

1. Nourish the Stomach: Carry a handful of raw peanuts with you
For those with poor stomach function, carrying a handful of raw peanuts with you can be helpful. Eat them on an empty stomach before meals, 2-3 times a day, with 3-5 peanuts each time. When eating raw peanuts, it is important to chew thoroughly to reduce the digestive burden on the stomach.

Peanuts contain a large amount of protein and fat. Moderate protein intake can help neutralize stomach acid, while moderate fat intake can stimulate the small intestine mucosa to secrete enterogastrone, thereby inhibiting gastric acid secretion. In addition, peanuts are also rich in phospholipids, which can protect the gastric mucosa.

2. Best Nutritional Effect: Peanut and Jujube Soup
Prepare 60g of peanuts and 60g of dried jujubes. Boil the peanuts first, then add the jujubes and cook until soft. Have it once a day, as a replacement for a meal, and consume the soup as well.

Peanut and jujube soup has the effects of lowering blood pressure, reducing blood sugar, nourishing the kidneys, and preventing presbyopia. Regular consumption can also promote blood circulation, improve immunity, and nourish the blood.

3. Strengthen the Spleen and Eliminate Fat: Peanut, Red Date, Coix Seed Congee
Take 40g of shelled peanuts, red dates, adzuki beans, and Coix seeds, and 30g of red rice, cook them into a congee, and drink it.



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