
目前显示的是 十月, 2023的博文

[Health and Wellness] One persimmon is equivalent to ten medicines! It helps control blood pressure, relieves cough, and protects the cardiovascular system. It would be a waste not to eat it now.

In fact, every part of the persimmon is valuable, with many magical effects... Take a look! The Whole Persimmon: It's the perfect time to eat persimmons again. In the past, we used to discard the stem and leaves when eating persimmons, but now we realize that we've been missing out! Fresh Persimmons: Moistens the lungs and relieves cough: Persimmons have a cooling nature, making them suitable for moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough during autumn. Ripe persimmons can be eaten directly or juiced. Eating one persimmon a day can prevent coughing and heatiness. Moistens the intestines and promotes bowel movements: Persimmons are rich in pectin, which helps maintain the normal growth of intestinal flora and has a good effect on moisturizing the intestines and promoting bowel movements, effectively

[Health and Wellness] Eating 10 apples is not as good as eating 1 potato, it regulates blood pressure, replenishes vitamins, and makes you look younger.

Potatoes are one of the top ten popular nutritious and healthy foods, known as the "underground apple" and the "second bread." The starch in potatoes mainly consists of large molecule clusters, which are slow to absorb and provide a strong sense of satiety. Additionally, potatoes have low calories, approximately only one-sixth of that in flour and rice. They are almost fat-free. Eating one potato a day is better than eating 10 apples: 1. Rich in vitamins: Potatoes contain carotene and vitamin C, which are not found in cereal grains. The vitamin C content in potatoes is 10 times that of apples! Potatoes also have the highest vitamin content among all cereal crops, with double the amount of carrots, triple that of cabbage, quadruple that of tomatoes, and four times the B vitamins compared

170 million people are affected! This disease caused by diet can deform joints and damage blood vessels. It's too dangerous!

When it comes to "the three highs," everyone is familiar with them. "Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia" are like three obstacles that are difficult to overcome, standing in the way of people's path to health and longevity. In recent years, another dangerous factor threatening health, "hyperuricemia," has been quietly growing and "kidnapping" more and more people, becoming another metabolic syndrome that is as well-known as the "three highs." According to statistics, the number of people with hyperuricemia in China is as high as 170 million, and this number continues to grow. Why is hyperuricemia dangerous? When talking about the harm caused by hyperuricemia, many people may only think of gout. But in reality, high levels of uric acid can cause damage to the whole body. Joint damage: Gout When uric acid in the blood is consistently elevated, uric acid crystals can deposit in the joint cavity, triggering gouty arthritis

Taste Impacts Health! Those who prefer this taste for a long time, beware of liver damage~

Everyone has different taste preferences. Some people like sweet, while others prefer spicy. You may think this is only related to personal preferences, but in reality, taste also determines your physical health!  Hidden in taste are signals of health.  Normal taste is usually related to geography, lifestyle and dietary habits, and genetic factors. You can eat a little bit of any taste, or slightly prefer certain tastes.  Pathological taste is usually related to diseases. If there is a sudden change in taste, it may be a health warning for your body. Consuming a certain taste appropriately can nourish the corresponding organ. However, if you prefer a certain taste for a long time, it may harm the corresponding organ. And if you suddenly develop a preference for a certain taste, it may be a manifestation of

Winter Health Benefits of Honey: 12 Health-Promoting Remedies to Prevent Hypertension, Colds, and Diseases!

The "Shennong Bencao Jing" mentions that honey has the effects of "nourishing the five viscera, invigorating qi, relieving pain, detoxifying, curing various diseases, and harmonizing with other medicines, leading to a light and long life." Nowadays, honey has become a common food in people's daily lives, and people are aware of its therapeutic effects. Honey is rich in nutrients, containing about 70% glucose and fructose, as well as proteins, minerals, organic acids, various vitamins, and substances such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. Therefore, honey's nutritional composition is extremely complex, with more than 180 identified substances, including: 01. Vitamins Honey contains various vitamins, especially B vitamins, with 300-400 micrograms of B vitamins per

After the age of 45, there are four things you should avoid when waking up and four things you should avoid when eating. It is especially important to pay attention to these after the age of 45 in order to live a healthier and longer life than your peers.

As the saying goes, "At forty, I was bewildered, at fifty, I knew my destiny." Once men and women reach the age of 45, it means they have entered a critical period for their health. At this time, the body's metabolism slows down, and the functions of various organs gradually decline. It is also a high-risk period for "the three highs" (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood cholesterol), cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and other diseases. Various health crises are pressing. If not properly maintained after the age of 45, it can not only lead to illness, but also potentially set a "time bomb" for your health. After the age of 45, practice the "four don'ts" for morning health: "Planning the day starts in the mornin

[Health Knowledge] Attention! This item in the kitchen is more harmful than gutter oil! It poses the greatest risk to women! Pay close attention!

Air pollution is a topic that many people are concerned about, as it is closely related to the health of our lungs. However, while we are closely monitoring the outdoor air quality every day, there is a loophole in indoor air pollution called kitchen fumes. Kitchen fumes are almost present in every Chinese household, but many people do not pay attention to them. So, how "toxic" are kitchen fumes? Some people call them "as harmful as gutter oil"! It is understood that cooking oil fumes produced at high temperatures may contain over 200 harmful substances, which have a significant impact on the respiratory system. In addition, the latest national cancer report for 2018 released by the National Cancer Center in China also revealed a puzzling phenomenon: the proportion of non-smoking women

[Health Science] These signs indicate physical aging! Do these things every day to quietly fight aging.

The human body, like a machine, will "wear out" over time, and aging is inevitable. So, what are the signs of aging in the body? In daily life, how can we fight against aging? Signs of aging in the body include: - Hair loss all over the body: Not just hair loss and graying hair, but also signs of hair loss in limbs and other parts of the body. - Frequent bruises: This is caused by chronic damage to the supporting structures around small blood vessels, and even minor injuries can cause them to rupture. - Facial hollowing: Loss of facial bone structure can result in a typical "elderly" appearance, with sunken cheeks, thin lips, and prominent temples. - More wrinkles than peers: Although genetics have some influence, the number of wrinkles is largely determined by lifestyle. - Dry skin: Ag

[Healthy Living] 5 "Natural Remedies" Around You: Tonify the Spleen and Kidneys, Nourish the Liver and Moisturize the Lungs, Safe and Effective

When people get sick, they often take medicine for treatment. However, you may not know that there are 5 pure natural remedies in everyday life that can treat common illnesses safely and effectively! 1. Plums: Clear Heat and Nourish the Liver Plums are brightly colored, with a sweet and sour taste and abundant juice. They are rich in organic acids, sugars, minerals, and vitamins. Plums have a warming nature and can promote diuresis, clear heat, and generate fluids. They are effective in treating symptoms such as irritability, dry mouth, fever due to yin deficiency, liver cirrhosis, and ascites. Plums also have diuretic, sleep-inducing, blood vessel-dilating, and blood pressure-reducing effects. 2. Pears: Reduce Fire and Clear the Heart Pears have a cooling nature and a sweet taste. They can reduce internal

[Eating Healthy] Eating Peanuts like This Protects the Liver, Nourishes the Stomach, and Moistens the Lungs. Eating a Little Every Day Provides an Extra Insurance for Your Health!

Our ancestors believed that every part of the "longevity nut" is precious: the fruit, shell, sprout, and skin can all be eaten, and each has its own benefits, such as protecting the heart, nourishing the blood, and reducing cholesterol... This "longevity nut" is peanuts! It is also known as the "plant meat" and the "vegetarian meat" because of its delicious taste and undeniable medicinal and health value, it has always held an important position in the realm of food. Protect the heart, clear the blood vessels, stabilize blood sugar Modern research has found that people who eat peanuts regularly have a 35% reduced risk of coronary heart disease. This is because regular consumption can lower the levels of "bad cholesterol" low-density lipoprotein, prevent cor

[Health Knowledge] Soaking Feet in Hot Water Is Better Than Taking Supplements, but Do You Use the Right Method? Quickly Collect for Yourself and Your Family!

From a health perspective, the feet are the farthest from the heart and bear the heaviest burden in the body. This is the part of the body that receives the least care and is also the easiest to age. To prevent aging and protect the body's second heart, soaking feet in hot water is a good method. When soaking feet in hot water, it can stimulate these reflex zones, promote blood circulation, regulate the endocrine system, and achieve the health effects of dispelling cold, promoting blood circulation, and preventing and treating diseases. No wonder people often say "the rich take supplements, while the poor soak their feet". Indeed, soaking feet and taking supplements have similar effects. Today, I will recommend some traditional Chinese foot soaking methods for you to collect for yourself and

[Health Knowledge] Stretching Your Legs Like This can Quickly Tonify the Spleen and Drive Away Dampness! Regular Exercise Can Make You Feel 20 Years Younger

If you have the chance to take a walk in the park in the morning, you will notice that the elderly people who are doing morning exercises, although their hair is already gray, tend to have a rosy complexion. On the other hand, the young and middle-aged people rushing on the streets often have a pale or wax-yellow complexion. This phenomenon is often closely related to the health of their spleen. Insufficient spleen function can lead to decreased digestion and metabolic abnormalities. Some people may become obese and experience symptoms such as stomach bloating, constipation, fatigue, sleepiness, and poor complexion. So, how can we exercise the spleen? Wang Bing, a physician at the Acupuncture Hospital of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, introduces the simplest method: stretching the spleen me